Q: What Is The Goal In Cheese Racer (Starring Edgar!)?
A: You are in control of Edgar, The Lean Mean Squeaking Machine! Edgar is constantly in search of pieces of cheese strewn around the various mazes of the game.
You must drive Edgar around each maze and avoid hazards, collect
goodies, and above all, collect all ten pieces of cheese
on each level.
Remember, there are Cat-Cars chasing Edgar around, trying to catch Edgar and keep him from his precious cheese!
Edgar runs on Mouse-Car Fuel, not to be confused with Cheese! Make sure Edgar does not run out of Mouse-Car Fuel, or else he'll slow down and stop, and the Cat-Cars will catch up to him!
Q: Why do some pieces of cheese give Edgar 2x points?
A: Every level has exactly one (1) piece of "2x" cheese .
When Edgar captures this cheese, it gives him double the score
points. Additionally, each cheese Edgar captures AFTER the "2x"
cheese on that level also gives him double points, unless he crashes.
If Edgar crashes and he has already picked up the "2x" cheese for that level, all the rest of the cheeses on that level will only give Edgar normal (1x) points.
Q: What is the best play-mode, using the DPad or using the Thumbwheel?
A: This is really a matter of personal preference. The "traditional" way to play is using the DPad and JUMP for smoke. But if you can easily orient yourself from a "relative" standpoint as Edgar changes directions through the maze, perhaps thumbwheel play is something you might want to try. It plays somewhat like a steering wheel control.
Q: What are some of the "goodies" that Edgar can pick up?
A: Well, remember that part of the fun of any game is discovering all the different things! We won't spoil your fun completely by giving it ALL away. But here are just a few of the many different things that Edgar might find:
- Fuel - Gives Edgar a little bit more Mouse-Car Fuel.
- Turbo - Gives Edgar a temporary boost of speed.
Edgar consumes Mouse-Car Fuel at the same rate-per-distance.
- Skull - Watch Out! If Edgar touches one
of these, he crashes!!
There are many other "goodies," some located in every single maze, some located more than once in each maze, and some only located in every few mazes... it all depends! Good luck!
Q: How is Edgar's score computed?
A: Each piece of cheese that Edgar picks up gives him 100, 200, 300 etc. points. The start of each wave begins with a 100-point cheese, then 200, etc. If Edgar crashes, then the cheese value starts over at 100.
See above for the 2x point cheeses and how they affect your score.
Other goodies in the mazes may give you points as well, and some of those are dependent on how long it has been since Edgar crashed.
If Edgar picks up some extra Mouse-Car Fuel but his tank overflows, then you will receive extra points for all the fuel that didn't fit in Edgar's tank.
Q: Once I have passed a particular level, can I avoid re-doing it?
A: Yes. Once you have made it to a particular level (for example, Level 3), then you can start on any level from 1 to 3 by pressing that number when at the main greeting screen. You may not warp beyond Level 6, but if you are good enough, there is nothing to prevent you from playing FAR beyond Level 6!! How far can you play?
Keep in mind that bypassing levels this way does not earn you any points for the bypassed levels, so it makes it much harder to get a high score!