PLBM Games PalmOS Freeware Page
Please note! All the games listed on this page only are freeware.
Click here for our regular shareware games.
These games are not warranted or supported in any way. I'd love to hear your feedback
but I cannot guarantee it will be acted upon in any meaningful way.
Please note: Some of these games might only work on color Palm units, or may only
work on monochrome units. Some may include a DOS-mode executable for testing only.
Please refer to the README.TXT for more information and/or limitations.
Thanks for your suggestions!
Kurt Dekker
PLBM Games
Now then, on with the freeware game(s), Last updated: 12:20 AM 5/19/03
FUN2: Scrolliez - scroll through ever-tighter
caverns trying to avoid being killed. What more could you want in a game? :)
Features two game modes: Basic and Plus-Coins

NEW: Features separate high score charts for each game mode!
ZART: Zee Artillery - two-player only artillery
combat. Each player uses one button on the Palm, and play is simultaneous,
no turn-taking.

LOGGER: Logger - a road-crossing oddity

Again, please send all suggestions to
Click here for our regular shareware games.